5 Ways to Satisfy Your Surf Stoke When There's No Waves

Summer on the North Shore of Oahu is a paradise to most, but to an overly-stoked surfer, being surrounded by crystal clear calm waters is equivalent to being locked in a small room with four white walls. However, the ocean has so much more to offer than pumping waves, and sometimes a perspective change is needed to appreciate the beauty that some of us have gotten a little too used to. Whether you are waiting out the summer on the North Shore, between storm swells on the east coast, or waiting for the rare surge on a generally flat horizon, here are some ways to scratch your surf itch when there are no waves.
1. Go on a paddle mission.
Take out your board out for an adventure!
Train your arms for endurance or paddle just offshore and enjoy simply existing in the water. Take advantage of the calm waters to explore the stunning coastline you forget to appreciate when your eyes are fixed on the horizon searching for the next set.
Explore a little and discover a secret spot! Maybe there's a beach that is only accessible from the water or a small offshore island within paddle distance. You can even bring goggles with to explore any reef (or undiscovered shipwrecks!?) you may come across.
2. Do a photoshoot with your favorite board.
Grab your friends and the board you’ve been secretly dying to show off and hit your favorite beach for some vibey photos. Get some shots on the beach, floating in the glistening water, or get creative with some lifestyle shots in the back of your dusty pick-up or on the path leading to your favorite break.
3. Go for a surf-skate session.
Recruit your gang and take a few carvers down the road to grab açai bowls. Don't forget your camera (bonus points for film) to get some more instagram content sure to make your other surfer friends forget about their barrel dry-spells.
Skating is also a great way to cross train for technical surf maneuvers. Hit the park to practice steep drop ins, sharp turns, speed generation, and even airs.
4. Go for a dive.
Switch things up and spend some time *under* the water. Take a look at the reef you usually pretend isn't there when you're about to get pitched over the falls. Warning - you may be a little more nervous the next time you paddle out... However, we are often surfing over beautiful rock formations and sea life that we've never taken the time to even look at!
Diving is also a great way to get comfortable under the surface and train breath for long hold downs. You can even take a stab at rock running to really round out your session!
5. Cliff jump.
This may sound unrelated - but it can be hard to get an adrenaline fix when you are used to being tossed around by the greatest force on Earth. If you're staying busy but life is still feeling a little too tame, head to your local jump rock and get your desperately needed dose of salt water-drenched adrenaline. Just make sure your are very familiar with any place you jump, especially in reference to variables like tide, current, and water depth.
With just a little creativity, flat days will no longer be torturous.. you may even begin to look forward to them! Its always good to take a little break from your surfing obsession to explore, pick up a new hobby, or even get some well-deserved rest and relaxation.
Photo credits in order of appearance: @kenna.conforti x2, @abby.ohh, @kalanialapai, @mermaidmaddalena, @kenna.conforti.
- Tags: summer surf lifestyle things to do